Just Go With It Funny Scenes

Just Go with It (2011) Poster

7 /10

Silly cozy comedy to enjoy

Huge fan of Adam Sandler except a few that are "poop" so I'm surprised I didn't see this one cause it's pretty good! Nothing special though "Punch-Drunk Love" is among my favorites!

Mostly stupid slapstick comedy as usual with Sandler's flicks, which isn't bad. Good entertainment for a couple hours not much to judge.

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10 /10

A very funny romantic comedy.

Sandler and Aniston play off each other with warmth and charm, while Nicole Kidman almost steals the show as Aniston's frenemy.

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7 /10

One of the better ones

Sandler is very hit and miss with his films, this however is one of the hits.

The wife and I were laughing constantly and even use some of the jokes between each other today. Highly recommended as the film is full of gags and quips that'll keep you laughing for 90 minutes.

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6 /10

Likable Sandler-fare, as usual

Adam Sandler is getting pretty solid at producing and acting in quasi-poignant tales that get him somewhat further away - and, ultimately, closer to (doesn't make sense, I know) - from his proto-Sandler-style of filmmaking that has his vaguely proto-typical cast of characters - hapless, hopeless geeks, improbable ladies' man, a "nice guy" that all the ladies want, but still seem to settle on the douches. Sandler brings his "crew" together - former/current SNLers, Allen Covert (who is pretty much in every Sandler movie that I can think of), and some heavy-hitters occasionally. "The Wedding Singer," "Grown-Ups," and, now, "Just Go With It" all pander to this amiable style of film-making that is at times borderline gross-out - but just pulls away before you realize this probably isn't an Apatow-slacker movie, nor is attempting to be.

Sandler is a plastic surgeon who long ago accidentally discovered he could play the "my wife is a terrible person who abuses me" card to score with hot chicks at the bar. Fact is he's not actually married - he and/or his wife left him at the altar many years before when he discovered she really didn't like him - but he's become so comfortable with lying to score with the chicks he just doesn't care - or seem to. Jennifer Aniston is his office assistant, a sweet, single gal with 2 kids. She doesn't much care for how he deals with the ladies, but she still likes him because she sees what a sweet guy he really is under the surface of his rather devious womanizing that all starts with a lie.

Sandler meets the bounteous and beautiful - and, very young - Brooklyn Decker at a party. They sleep together on the beach and in the morning Decker discovers he's "married." Sandler immediately throws a lie out there - he IS in fact, married (wait, no he's not, but it's all a lie anyway) but he's in the process of getting a divorce because his relationship with his wife - again, playing the same card - is very bad. Decker somehow believes him and off we go with the rest of the movie where Aniston agrees to be his fake wife and ultimately go off on a vacation with Decker, Sandler, Aniston's kids, and Nick Swanson as the court jester/boob (basically a version of Rob Schneider from Sandler's other "Happy Madison" movies) who pretends to be Aniston's boyfriend.

There are a lot of funny setups and jokes - enough to enjoy the movie, for sure, even if they do clearly seem to be Sandler-ish in their obviousness. Hey, he's a plastic surgeon, let's see where we might milk that. Decker is half his and Aniston's age - let's see where we might milk that. Swanson is an often over-the-top boob - let's see where we can grab some silly jokes there. Aniston's kids - the daughter, especially - are good for quite a few laughs as well.

I half expected Decker to be pretty bad, but she does just fine. She is playing against top comedic talent here - though honestly Sandler nearly seems on auto-pilot in most of his movies - and nowhere is Jessica Simpson-like delivery in evidence. It hardly needs to be said she is being used for her looks more than her supposed talent, but her ability to transcend the "Hey, I'm just here to be a C-cup blond bimbo in a bikini" obviousness of her role is commendable. Sandler is notorious - or very successful, depending on your perspective - in bringing in at least one or two pieces of eye candy to most of his films, but in a manner that is less blatant or purely perverse. Yes, Sandler likes hiring hot chicks, but he also likes the good/nice guy to have a shot with her, which makes most of us nerds feel at least a little bit more hopeful. Decker and Aniston both of course fill this role, quite well.

While clearly not an intentional Oscar-winner, Sandler proves he is again capable of making a funny, somewhat poignant, generally enjoyable PG-13-bordering-on-R-rated film.

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8 /10

Better than expected

First of all, it is an Adam Sandler movie. If you hate Adam Sandler movies, then you won't like this.

I gave it an 8/10 because it was one of the better Adam Sandler movies. The plot and storyline was better than I expected; the development was pretty good as well. There were definitely a lot of points where I had to slap my forehead b/c it was silly funny.

Yeah, its highly unrealistic, but if you expected realism, whats wrong with you? Sure, Jennifer Anniston is the "uglier chick," which is like saying a million dollars isn't that much money, but she did a good job in the movie.

The only complaint I had was Adam Sandler used all the lines I planned on using with the girl I took to see it!

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6 /10

Decent if unexceptional

I am not a fan of Adam Sandler, though I have liked some of his performances and films, but when Jennifer Aniston has good material she is good. I was expecting Just Go with It to be crap, but while it was unexceptional on the whole I found it decent. Both Sandler and Anniston have done better, both have also done worse. Sandler is not amazing, but he is not as irritating as he can be. Anniston's role is one-dimensional, but she is beguiling and the chemistry they have is likable. Nicky Swardson, who I can't stand usually, is also good. The film looks appealing, is directed assuredly and the soundtrack is fitting and not too generic. The script however while having some funny and tender moments has a number of weak moments coming across as stilted and cloying. The story is rather thin and predictable especially the ending, and the characters while appealingly performed are generally under-developed and stereotyped. All in all, a decent and better than expected film but not great. 6/10 Bethany Cox

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7 /10

not expecting this: job well done

I've seen almost all of Jennifer Aniston's movies and most of them I really did not like. So my expectations of "Just go with it" were very low. But I was pleasantly surprised to find that I was laughing with tears in my eyes the first 20min of watching this movie and I didn't stop laughing till the screen showed black.

Al though the movie almost is 2 hours long, I wasn't bored at any time. The story was well written, the acting was amazing and hilarious and it was original in it's jokes. It did have a typical ending, but for once it didn't bother me because of the good build up in the story and the development of the characters.

If you do have a weakness for typical comedy movies, but can't seem to find a good one these days, definitely check out this one: laughter guaranteed!

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3 /10

Full of Devlin comedy

Just Go With It is at times dreadfully boring and extremely unfunny as it approaches the two hour mark and we are still waiting to laugh. It is one of the most selfish, laugh-free comedies I've ever seen barely saved by the beautiful scenery and likable Aniston. But even with those two minor improvements that we see what Just Go With It is really about - cheap laughs and cliché Sandler schtick.

This was based on a Broadway play that later became a 1969, Walter Mathau film called Cactus Flower, that later became a French play, that finally became this. I say this story has its tank run dry as this story is not only not funny but kind of sad. Sandler plays Danny, who called off his wedding day when he heard his wife talking behind his back with her friends.

Going to a bar with his ring on, he attracts a women and tells her a sympathy story leading to them sleeping together. Twenty five years later, he still wears the wedding ring and continues to sleep with loser bimbos to sort of never run the risk of falling in love. This works, until he meets Palmer (Decker), a beautiful women who finds the ring in his jean pocket.

Danny panics and tells lie after lie that he is married, but getting a divorce to his office worker Katherine (Aniston). Lie after lie leads him to fake-fathering Katherine's two bratty kids who he plans to fake kill off later. The "family," Palmer, and Danny's friend all plan to go to Hawaii where more nonsense takes place.

Some scenes, notably the hula contest and the scenes at the kid's playground, go on for way too long and it's nothing but a poorly written joke made to be completely not funny. I guess we're supposed to root for Danny in hopes he'd get the girl, but I find no likable qualities about a womanizing loser who is not the least bit clever or funny. This is yet another movie that could be over if Danny had told Palmer he does sleeps with several women saying he is married and has a bad wife. He could then go on to tell her how she's different in a real passionate way and take her out to a bar and they can get to know each other. That might've made a way better film.

Nicole Kidman shows up in quite possibly the worst role she's ever been offered as Devlin, Katherine's old rival. What a coincidence she is staying at the same hotel in Hawaii as Katherine at the most convenient time when she is all tied up with her "family" issues.

Also in the movie is Nick Swardson who is definitely the worst person in this movie playing a close friend of Danny's sporting one of the worst German accents I've ever heard. Every scene is he is in is too long and not at all funny in any way. Not even good for a bad laugh.

It comes as no surprise Just Go With It is directed by Dennis Dugan who worked on other bad comedies like The Benchwarmers, Big Daddy, and Grown Ups. It seems ever since I Now Pronounce You Chuck & Larry, a decent comedy, Dugan has had nothing but fun placing Sandler in every character possible. Now he is working on Jack & Jill, another comedy that pairs Sandler and Al Pacino together. God help us.

Starring: Adam Sandler, Jennifer Aniston, Nick Swardson, Dan Patrick, Brooklyn Decker, Nicole Kidman, and Dave Matthews. Directed by: Dennis Dugan.

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6 /10

Sandler is back...

Finally, Adam Sandler is rising up from the perpetual spiral of semi-interesting movies he has been riding for the past years. Sure, the movie "Just Go With It" looks disturbingly similar to "50 First Dates" when you look on the cover, but they are two completely different movies altogether.

The story told in "Just Go With It" is fairly sassy and Hollywoodish; a classical lovely story of sorts. Danny (played by Adam Sandler) falls in love with Palmer (played by Brooklyn Decker). They go away to Hawaii with Danny's assistant Katherine (played by Jennifer Aniston) and his friend Eddie (played by Nick Swardson). And the story rolls as the little white lies escalate and grow larger and larger. I am not going on with more of the story here, but being a 'straight off the Hollywood romantic comedy assembly line', then there is no surprise to how the movie ends. You know it straight from the minute the movie starts. But still, the movie is quite enjoyable. Although stereotypical, then the story is a good one, and you quickly get into it.

There are some really good characters in the movie, aside from the four main characters. I especially liked the plastic surgery enhanced people at the party in the beginning of the movie. They were hilarious, and drew lots of laughs.

The location of the movie, in Hawaii, really adds a romantic aspect to the movie, and it works out really, really well. You can almost feel the sand between your toes and feel the waves as they crash gently against your shins. Thumbs up on making the feel of the movie stand out this much.

There is a really good chemistry between Aniston and Sandler, and they really brought the story to life and they were in their aces in this movie.

I was pleasantly surprised by this movie, as I had expected it to be another of Sandler's mass-produced half-funny comedies. So if you like romantic comedies and are a fan of either (or both) Sandler or/and Aniston, then "Just Go With It" is definitely worth checking out. The movie has some wonderful moments, it will make you laugh and it will make your heart all warm and fuzzy.

Thumbs up, and welcome back Sandler...

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9 /10

My Precious

Warning: Spoilers

Like most sit-coms the movie slips from possible to improbable to very improbable. Adam Sandler plays Danny, who is about to be married. He discovers his bride to be had a fling with her former bf right before the wedding and she is just marrying him for his money. Danny is depressed as he sits in a bar with his wedding ring on. He discovers the ring is a chick magnet that leads to numerous one night stands. He calls it "my precious." Jennifer Anniston plays his single receptionist with 2 children. At a party, Danny meets a Barbie Doll school teacher and has a great night. He wasn't wearing his ring, but then she discovers it! You cad! Danny eventually explains he is getting divorced and she insists upon meeting the soon to be ex-wife. Rather than level with her, he asks Jennifer to play the role of his ex-wife which includes make-over and clothes perks. The meeting goes well as Anniston plays the jilted wife...then her cell phone rings. It is her kids, which must be Danny's kids too, right? Barbie Doll, a teacher loves kids and wants to meet Danny's kids. Now Danny must bribe Anniston's kids to pretend to be his kids. Oh what a tangle web we weave...

The movie contains humor about bad plastic surgery plus some toilet humor. It has some good rock tunes, especially as swagger music. When Anniston starts dating a man in another office, Danny shows some signs of jealousy. One lie leads to another and then to another. Predictable and fun, A feel good film of the chick flick variety.

No sex or nudity. Nice bikini shots. Some crude suggestive sex talk, although nothing as what we have been getting from Hollywood.

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8 /10

A Nutshell Review: Just Go With It

Director Dennis Dugan was responsible for a number of comedies with funnyman Adam Sandler, from Happy Gilmore to Big Daddy in the 90s, to the more recent fare of I Now Pronounce You Chuck & Larry, You Don't Mess with the Zohan, and Grown Ups. I'm a big fan of some of these if I may say low brow offerings, but hey, don't berate me for having a good time. As with most of the comedies Sandler has starred in thus far, most straddle between two broad areas of being funny, and yet having some major drama and/or romantic fare to bulk up the running time, making the films seem more like two halves put together.

And Just Go With It is no different. Based on a French stage play and an earlier film called Cactus Flower in the 60s (hence making this a modern day remake of sorts), this movie has both all out, riotous scenes designed to make you laugh, yet having depth following a tried and tested formula for a romance, which gets catalyzed by a little white lie that grows out of control, needing as one character puts it, an index card to keep track of the sprawling tales they have to tell and keep at in order to not puncture their respective ruses.

So the comedy here involves lies and truths, with Adam Sandler's renowned plastic surgeon Danny finding out the power of sympathy and the sex that comes with it with his wearing of a wedding ring, only that he hasn't got married just yet, playing on how some swingers just love to get it going with married men. Just when he's serious about Palmer (Brooklyn Decker), a really young girl for his age, she finds that wedding band, and he cooks up the story that he's actually getting a divorce. Palmer needing proof meant Danny's persuasion (with benefits in kind) of his assistant / reception Katherine (Jennifer Aniston), a divorcée with two kids, to pose as his soon to be ex-wife, and then roping in her children Maggie (Bailee Madison) and Michael (Griffin Gluck) to pose as his as well.

And it goes two ways, since Katherine has a thing about her rival from school for many years (I shall not name this A-list actress so as not to spoil the surprise on her comedic performance, so don't go up looking IMDb.com, OK?), and uses her pretense with Danny to try and keep up with the Joneses. Needless to say their scheme of being husband and wife means to keep up with the multitude of lies for each different scenario, either Danny's or Katherine's, which naturally lead to some fun scenarios. But the funniest of course belongs to that between Sandler, Madison and Gluck, one who decides to ham it up with a British accent, while the other is just plain sombre, and their tip top act as the father-children draws countless of laughter since Danny often finds himself being blackmailed by the kids, who are doing a perfect job. The photo taking scene on the golf course is priceless, and possibly one of the funniest in the film.

Then comes the dramatic, romantic half, where you can see it coming from a mile away when both Sandler and Aniston's Danny and Katherine come on screen, with their banter, the premise, the setup and such all spelling f-o-r-m-u-l-a, and you'll just about know what happens between them. The romance between Danny and Palmer then looked like a shade of Ben Stiller's The Heartbreak Kid in a way, and like many other romantic comedies like Forgetting Sarah Marshall, Hawaii serves as the perfect backdrop for friendships and relationships to unravel, and also to provide the Hilton hotel another major product placement opportunity after Up in the Air.

A film like this will never steer clear of toilet humour, and they are here by the truckloads. Yes it's lowbrow sometimes, but a great way to de-stress after a hard day's work, since you know exactly what you're in for, and the film delivers just that.

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8 /10

Just Grin At It!

Warning: Spoilers

Adam Sandler is really getting mellow in his forties. "Happy Gilmore" director Dennis Dugan's "Just Go With It" qualifies as an uneven, predictable, but entertaining farce for the former "Saturday Night Live" comedian. Sandler looks like he had a blast as a smart aleck Jewish plastic surgeon who masquerades as a hen-pecked husband so he can bed down with beautiful babes. No Sandler comedy would be complete without his distinctive brand of infantile humor. "Just Go With It" boasts its share of absurdly ludicrous moments. The best example depicts Sandler's co-star Nick Swardson of "Reno 911!" as he performs the Heimlich maneuver on an obviously artificial sheep that has swallowed a rubber toy. Surprisingly enough, this lightweight, PG-13 rated, romantic comedy spends most of its 117 minutes being cute and endearing rather than toxic and offensive. Mind you, Sandler and company ridicule the generation gap, gays, marriage, plastic surgery, bowel movements, erectile dysfunction, and mendacity. What ultimately sets "Just Go With It" apart from the usual Sandler shenanigans is the presence of upscale co-stars Jennifer Aniston and Nicole Kidman. Kidman has never been such a clown. Together they prove that a woman doesn't have to be a twenty-something nymph, like drop-dead gorgeous swimsuit model Brooklyn Decker, to bound around in a bikini. Although Dugan and scenarists Allan Loeb and Timothy Dowling have essentially remade the 1969 Walter Matthau comedy "Cactus Flower," "Just Go With It" resembles the classic Blake Edwards comedy "10" with Dudley Moore and Bo Derek. In "10" (1979), a middle-aged man pursued a twenty year old babe before he realized that their age gap made them incompatible. Dugan lenses the graceful Decker in slow-motion as she jogs through the surf. These moments are comparable to painter Sandro Botticelli's picture of Venus on a Half-Shell.

"Just Go With It" opens with a 1980's prologue. Cardiologist Dr. Danny Maccabee (Adam Sandler of "The Water Boy") is about to get married. Danny has a hilariously large nose that rivals the prominent proboscis of Cyrano de Bergerac. While Danny is biding his time for marriage, he learns that his fiancée not only has been cheating on him throughout their courtship but she also plans to cheat on him after they exchange nuptials. Worse, she isn't marrying Danny for love but for his money. Our heartbroken hero ditches her and becomes a successful plastic surgeon. In the original, the lead in "Cactus Flower" was a dentist. Initially, Danny goes to a meat market bar to drown his grief in alcohol. He helps a lady who is being harassed by the local lotharios. At first, she believes Danny he is just another wolf until she spots his wedding ring. Sadly, he reveals his plight. He lies that he is the victim of an unhappy marriage. The lady takes pity on him and takes him home for a one-night stand. Danny relies on this cynical strategy to keep himself knee deep in commitment-free dames.

Eventually, a lady comes along who changes Danny's mind. A gorgeous sixth-grade math teacher, Palmer (Brooklyn Decker in her film debut), proves to be more of a distraction than a hormonally addled teenage boy can handle. The kid cuts up his knee when he looks at Palmer rather than his destination. Danny doctors him up and gets together with Palmer. They spend the night on the beach. The next morning Palmer finds a wedding ring in Danny's pants and refuses to have anything to do with him. She doesn't date married men. Danny pursues Palmer but gets nowhere. He tries to explain that he isn't married. Since he has no way of convincing her that he is a bachelor, our desperate hero decides to lie. Danny tells Palmer that he is getting a divorce. This tactic changes everything for the better, and Palmer is prepared to resume their romance. However, she makes one condition. Danny must introduce her to his soon-to-be ex-wife. Danny throws himself on the mercy his comely office manager Katherine Murphy (Jennifer Aniston of "The Bounty Hunter") and persuades her to act as his ex-wife. As it turns out, Katherine is a divorced single parent with two kids, Maggie (Bailee Madison) and Michael (Griffin Gluck), and is literally Danny's closest friend.

Everything goes smoothly when Palmer meets Katherine. As Katherine is about to depart, she receives a cell phone call about her children Maggie and Michael. Palmer changes her rules. She demands that Danny introduce her to Maggie and Michael. Danny has to bribe Katherine's kids to pretend that they are his offspring. Maggie aspires to be an actress and sells out for acting lessons, while Michael holds out for a Hawaiian vacation so he can swim with dolphins. Danny takes them to Hawaii along with his cousin, Eddie (wacky Nick Swardson), who masquerades as an Austrian sheep salesman. While in Hawaii, Katherine runs into her old friend Devlin (Nicole Kidman of "Eyes Wide Shut") and Danny and Katherine have to act like they are really married. The complications that occur threaten to drive Palmer and Danny apart, but the surprise ending isn't really surprising.

The humor is low-brow but funny. The goofy plastic surgery sight gags generate lots of laughs. The lady with the arched eyebrow is a hoot! The remainder of "Just Go With It" turns into an evasive, door-slamming farce with Danny doing his best to fool Palmer. The rivalry between Aniston and Kidman to see who is a better dancer, particularly in the scene where their significant others must dance body against body to move a coconut from their hips to their lips without their hands is amusing. Along the way, our hero learns a few lessons about love and commitment that neither we nor he would typically see in an Adam Sandler comedy. You will grin more than you will grimace at "Just Go With It."

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9 /10

Just Go With It

I'm a bloke of 32. I took the other half to watch this last night as I do enjoy Comedy's. Not much of a cinema goer as tend to be the one saying 'ooh I knew I wanted to see that' when the film gets released and then completely forget to actually go.

I was in absolute stitches watching this, it's by far the funniest film I've seen in a long-long time. Normally watching a comedy I'd chuckle and laugh a bit but I was actually laughing out loud almost the whole film - as were a most of the other viewers in the cinema.

I do like (as my missus puts it) 'stupid comedy's' like; Anchor Man, Dodgeball and Hear no Evil See No Evil etc. so this is where I'm coming from.

I think the whole cast was near on perfect with Adam Sandler providing hilarious moments throughout, with Jenifer Aniston sexier and funnier than I've ever known her to be. if you watch the film you'll know that Dolf Lungren was side splitting at times and The kids worked really well especially Keekee-D's Mary Poppins English Accent!.... Oh and not to fortget the beautiful blonde :)

All in all an absolute hoot and would thoroughly recommend it to anyone.

Would have given it a 10/10 but nothings perfect :) so its a 9/10 from me.

ps. Just go with it hit the spot so much that this is the first film review I have ever done!

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4 /10

Turned the brain off, got a few chuckles, nothing original here

This had occasional humorous moments from another forgettable Adam Sandler comedy. Here he teams up with Jennifer Aniston -which was bound to happen sooner or later since she makes the same romantic comedy over and over again as well.

Here Sandler is a plastic surgeon who enlists the help of his loyal assistant (Aniston) to pretend to be his (soon to be) ex-wife to help him woo a much younger schoolteacher and everyone ends up in Hawaii (because Sandler has admitted that's where he likes to film movies).

Anyways the plots not really important, its a pretty silly movie with some terribly unfunny (stupid) dialogue. Some of the messed up plastic surgeries did give me a chuckle, but this just tried too hard and didn't succeed. Zero chemistry between Sandler and Aniston, who both portray the same characters we've seen from them in all their other movies along with a clichéd plot and just too long in general.

I'm not sure what Nicole Kidman was doing here but she must have had fun with her role even if her hula/coconut scene went on about 10 minutes too long. 03.13

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8 /10

Just go with it

If you are looking for a highly intellectual movie, forget it. This is a simple movie with a simple story line and simple jokes. However, if you like to go to the movies just to break the routine, to have some laughs, and to change your mind, this is an excellent movie. Most highly critical people looking for perfection will give this movie a bad review, no doubt. People who gave an 8 to True Grit will not appreciate this movie...

Acting is excellent. Jennifer Aniston is perfect in that role; this is her best performance in a movie so far, except maybe for Marley and Me. Adam Sandler is much more natural than usual. He does not have to deliver all of the stupid jokes, and has a to act his role during most of the movie. I would say this is an equivalent performance as in 50 First Dates, or even better. He is very funny (as usual), but also compassionate and lovable. Nick Swardson is the clown of the movie, which allows Sandler to act more and leave some of the funny stuff to others. Swardson made me and my whole family laugh out loud during many parts of the movie. In fact, it had been a long time since I heard my two teenagers laugh so much and so loudly during a movie.

The two kids are really good supporting actors. They bring a lot to the movie. They make the situation more complicated a few times in unexpected ways. Bailee Madison is very impressive. We will see her again and often.

The normal cast of Happy Madisson movies are all there for their usual 2 minutes and all bring their own laugh. One of them made me swallow water in my lungs! He is good! I will let you guess which one.

All and all, we left very satisfied and happy we had this family night, even the teenagers. No frustration like we had in True Grit and no disappointment like we had in Sanctum. This was better than expected and worth its money. Just sit down and "Go with it!".

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4 /10

Just Don't Bother

Just Go With It sits in the middle of the best and worst Adam Sandler films this side of the millennium. Many, considerable pitfalls exists. Sandler piles on the lies to get his girl. Firstly, pretending to have an ex-wife (Jennifer Aniston), because Sandler gets caught wearing his old wedding ring that scores him many girls (in his dreams). Secondly, having two children when he has none. Thirdly, his cousin Nick Swardson enters the fray, pretending to be Aniston's new German backpacker boyfriend. The lies are awful and flimsy. The charade's kept up for the entire movie. It'd be convincing if Sandler was only trying to get his leg over. Some laughs come from it, just not many memorable ones. Aniston is the prize winner here. She's the good in a jumble of mess. This film is aptly named, as if it's telling us just to go with it too.

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Disappointing and Unfunny Comedy

In 1988, in Long Island, the future cardiologist Danny Maccabee (Adam Sandler) overhears the nasty conversation of his wife-to-be and her friends on his wedding day about his big nose, his family and himself and he calls off their wedding. Danny becomes a womanizer and uses his wedding ring to lie to women and get laid.

Twenty-three years later, Dr. Maccabee is a well succeeded plastic surgeon in Beverly Hills that still uses his wedding ring to get women to bed. When he meets the younger mathematic teacher Palmer (Brooklyn Decker) in a party, they have one night stand on the beach and Danny has a crush on her. But Palmer finds his wedding ring on his pocket and he lies to her, telling that he is divorcing from his wife. Palmer asks to meet his wife, and Danny asks to his long-time assistant Katherine (Jennifer Aniston) to pose as his wife. Katherine accepts, but things get more complicated when Katherine, who is a single mother, receives a phone call from her daughter and Palmer learns that they have two children and asks to meets them. Now Danny bribes the two children to travel to Hawaii to spend a couple of days together knowing each other.

When they are at the airport, Danny's friend Eddie (Nick Swardson) unexpectedly joins them telling that he is Katherine's boyfriend expecting to travel to Hawaii with the expenses paid by Danny. The group arrives in a fancy hotel where Katherine meets her university foe Devlin Adams (Nicole Kidman) that is lodged at the same hotel.

The overrated "Just Go with It" is a disappointing and unfunny comedy with Jennifer Aniston, Adam Sandler and Nicole Kidman. The absurd and unethical story if awful and even Adam Sandler seems to be irritated with a poor performance. His unconvincing character is a liar and womanizer, capable to bribe children to keep his lies and to marry a woman that he has seduced using successive lies without any moral value or ethics. His assistant Katherine not only accepts to participate in the scheming to lure his girlfriend, but also allows her children to be bribed and accepts the invitation of her enemy to have dinner together. Palmer is a moron capable to believe on the most unrealistic stories. His best friend is a complete dummy and disloyal, capable to take advantage of a situation to travel with his expenses on Danny.

There are the usual exaggerations of the contemporary Hollywood productions, with Danny expending lots of money in fancy and fashionable boutiques and in the suites of the hotel. Further to the unrealistic plot and unlikable characters, the jokes are silly in times when moral values seem to be less important than an easy senseless laugh. My vote is three.

Title (Brazil): "Esposa de Mentirinha" ("Fake Wife")

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1 /10

Dumb and Offensive

Why do people always say "I just want to be entertained" when talking about a horrible movie? As if anything that isn't completely moronic couldn't possibly be entertaining. This movie didn't have a single shred of honesty or humanity. The plot seemed to come directly from some Microsoft program that creates boilerplate scenarios for lame romantic comedies. And why does every movie have to be about rich creeps? I'm certainly no Bolshevik but I am thoroughly sick of watching movies about people who live in mansions and spend $1,000 on a single pair of shoes. When was the last time you saw a movie about someone who had a normal job?

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2 /10

Just throw up on it...

Warning: Spoilers

This is a horrible movie that actually made me laugh a bunch of times but that still doesn't save it from my rating. The laughs have absolutely nothing to do with the plot and are mostly sight gags. The entire premise is absurd, instead of telling the truth to the new girl he met about wearing a wedding ring he concocts a lie so complicated and stupid it could never work under any circumstances. One point being the idea that he is automatically going to stay with this girl even though they only had one night together but still creates situations that would not work in any future with her. His fake wife is really his assistant, his cousin has to do a fake German accent and his fake daughter has to continue to do a English Cockney accent forever?

The blonde girlfriend must be the dumbest woman on the planet to believe the nonsense she is being told.

The end is predictable.

The only good thing was Nick Swardson who is very funny.

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The Adam Sandler Formula Works Again

Just saw at this an advanced screening in Huntington Beach.

It was pretty damn good. I do have to admit that I am an Adam Sandler fan. Being 21, I grew up seeing his films in theaters and for the most part liked them all. I think with Big Daddy, Dennis Dugan and Adam Sandler's Happy Madison crew really started a formula of movie. Central conflicted and imperfect character Adam (who has a good heart of course), falls in love with the girl of his dreams, who is younger and way better looking than him, all formulated around a specific central premise (i.e. with this film it's Adam's lies piling on top of lies) supported by extremely strong, quirky side character performances. This might be the epitome of this established formula, really passing 50 First Dates in my opinion. The typical Sandler ridiculous humor and smart-ass remarks are extremely well balanced with perfectly timed and executed emotional moments. The set-up for the story is pretty basic and at first almost appears predictable. It is to some extent, but the crazy directions the movie takes based on Sandler's lies is well done and only stretches a few times. But what do you expect from the Happy Madison crew?

The 2 kids in the film did a good job and had some funny lines. I am not a Jennifer Aniston fan at all but really actually liked her in this. I sort of understand her popularity and charm after this movie. She seemed more genuine and I felt an emotional attachment to her that I have always lacked with her. Plus, she is showcased in a particular waterfall scene and looks absolutely fantastic in a bikini. Brooklyn Decker is unbelievably gorgeous, as we all know from the SI Swimsuit Edition, but I was very surprised at how natural of an actress she was. She seemed very comfortable and didn't overact much. She is extremely cute and lovable. Nicole Kidman and Dave Mathews were great as an uber cool couple. Nicole was a bit over the top as she has been of late (like since Moulin Rouge), but thats what her character called for so I understand. Dave was surprisingly good as an almost drugged up yuppie, cool boyfriend of Nicole's. Nick Swardson was absolutely hilarious and by far steals every scene he is in. He really comes into the movie about 1/3 of the way in and from there on out its his movie. Nick Swardson deserves fame for this.

I can't say for sure how the critics will receive it. I can handle suspension of disbelief as long as it leads to a funny payoff. For the most part these moments are delivered. It's a great date movie and a great movie for Sandler fans. He has an unbelievable recent track record for success, but this will top all of them at the box office.

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5 /10

This movie is awful! I can't go with it.

Warning: Spoilers

I can't believe, this 2011 comedy written by screenwriters, Allan Loeb and Timothy Dowling, is a loosely based remake of the 1969 film 'Cactus Flower'. Nor could I imagine; that this was also an adaptation of an earlier successful, Broadway and French stage play of the same name. It was truly a less than stellar motion picture. Directed by Dennis Dugan, the film tells the story of Danny Maccabee (Adam Sandler) trying to fool his much younger fiancée, Palmer Dodge (Brooklyn Decker) into believing that he is divorcing a make believe pretend wife, Katherine Murphy (Jennifer Aniston), when Palmer sees his fake wedding ring, during their first date. Without spoiling this Happy Madison Production movie too much, I can see the original writer Abe Burrows spinning in his grave. Why? It's because this remake was not funny. None of the crass, juvenile toilet humor, including jokes at the expense of the overweight or physically imperfect, landed for me. It didn't help that Sandler slept through this movie. Don't get me wrong, Adam does have some talent. He did displayed some depth and emotional range before. However, Sandler in this film, look like he could care less if this flick was a success or not. He put nearly no effort in his role, going back to his usual shtick, performing as the angry man child. Because of this, Danny comes across as very annoying, tiresome and unlikeable. It doesn't help that the character is a chauvinist pig for the most part, lying to women and being a jerk to others, due to one lady making fun of him in the past. Look, I'm willing to ignore and forgive the romantic lead for lying to the love interest in order to win her heart like the original movie, but lying for years upon years to multiple ladies and painting himself as a victim of domestic abuse is downright disturbing and wrong. I have no amount of sympathy for a guy that spends two decades manipulating women to become home wreckers, in order to sleep with them. Talk about being highly misogynist. So, it was really hard for us to overlook Danny's past events and root for him, even if he has a character arc, from debauch bachelor to semi good, family man. Also, as a rich plastic surgeon, he still broke multiple Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act rules, by discussing patient information to his friends. That's not good. As for Aniston's character, the same can go with her. I hate that Katherine knew about his womanizing from the beginning, and didn't do anything to stop it for years. It made me miss so much, the original 1969 character played by actress Ingrid Bergman. I like that she had no clue of the scheme at first. It made her seem so innocent. Plus, I like how her character was somewhat dowdy. So, it was nice to see her bloom into an attractive woman in the end of that film, rather than being already generically sexy like Katherine during this movie. Despite, the lackluster and plain performance from Aniston. She still lightyears better than Brooklyn Decker's so call acting. Besides her good looks, the model turn actress's character is so lifeless, bland and dull. When you compare Palmer to the heavily flaw free spirited original character played by Golden Hawn in the first movie. It's no match. Hawn's flower child performance, wins all the time. Decker's character is just that forgettable. Although, the main cast were below average, the supporting performers were a little bit better. I kinda love Nicole Kidman as Delvin Adams. The scene with her and Katherine dancing in a contest was somewhat funny, but very hot. She was very entertaining. As for Nick Swardson, I do dig him as the over the top cartoony character of Dolph Lundgren. The surreal dialogue given to him while highly unrealistic, is so out there bizarre, that I can't help laughing, even with the scene of him drowning Palmer to keep up with the deception. I also have to give props to musician Dave Matthews. His delivery of comedic lines are top notch. Who knew that he can act! Honestly, the only supporting characters, I didn't like, were the kids. They were a little too precocious & so very annoying. No wonder, why Danny told Palmer that those fake kids of his, has been killed in a tragic accident, after throwing one of them into the mud. Nobody really liked them not even their mother Katherine. Not only that, the whole Hawaii vacation idea that the children came out with is really stretching the logistic of the plot, very thin. I find it very unlikely, that anybody in real life would spent millions of dollars of lying material, just to get a woman he barely knows to engage with him within a week. The whole plan seem unrealistic, very rushed and last, but not least, highly superficial. Honestly, there is no reason for any of this charade as Danny couldn't even marry Palmer if he wanted to. Why? It's because he didn't divorce his fake wife yet. No wedding ceremony would even allow this. Even if this could happen. The film wouldn't show it. Oddly, all the dumping was done, off screen. What a disappointing cheap cop out! While, the film didn't showcases that, it was kind enough to show us, plenty of product placement advertisement for Pizza Hut and hotels in Hawaii. Because of this, the movie felt more like a travel brochure than anything else. It's not good. Overall: Just watch the 1969 version of this film. It's so much better than its offspring, any day. That's for sure.

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8 /10

Undemanding and enjoyable entertainment for older youngsters upwards

Warning: Spoilers

Danny (Adam Sandler)'s reaction to youthful rejection because of his big nose is a) rhinoplasty, b) a career in plastic surgery, and c) chronic promiscuity based on projecting a false impression of being abused by his (non-existent) wife. Then he meets hot teacher Palmer (Brooklyn Decker) and is ready to enter commitment: the only thing is that she wants to meet his wife. So Danny press gang's his practice assistant single mother Katherine (Jennifer Aniston) into pretending to be his wife, and then things start to get complicated.

I was ready to dislike this film - I'm not a big Adam Sandler fan, and Jennifer Aniston annoys me because she tends to take the easy road by playing essentially the same character in every movie. And there is an elephant in the room in this particular movie in that does Danny really expect to go through the rest of his life with a fictional ex-family? And yet I enjoyed it much more than I expected to. I saw it with a moderately sized audience including some youngsters (it is a certificate 12 in the UK - children can watch if accompanied by adults), and there was a great deal of laughter from all ages. There is no bad language and relatively little by way of sexual innuendo. Despite the fundamental improbability, the plot steamrollers on well enough, and with a number of mildly unexpected changes of direction (Nicole Kidman's arrival, to name but one). The humour is varied, with many of Sandler's one liners being amusing, and some effective slapstick. Bailee Madison (as Aniston's daughter) delivers a worse English accent than Dick van Dyke's infamous cockerney in Mary Poppins, and to better effect. All the characters are inherently likable - not always the case in Sandler's movies - and the denouement is satisfactory, if predictable.

Oh, and I have no complaint whatsoever about the wardrobe dept's choice of bikinis for the Ms's Kidman, Aniston and Becker.

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1 /10

Unfunny Abysmal Movie!

I had the misfortune of sitting through this movie with an elderly patient and his wife. NO ONE laughed much in the entire theater.

The jokes were obviously written either by a 12 year old boy or someone with brain damage.

Why does Jennifer Aniston keep playing the SAME character over and over? Adam Sandler is supposed to be a plastic surgeon and Aniston his assistant. Their unprofessional behavior would have me running from this office. Jokes were stupid and crude. Sandler fakes being married to pick up women because he was hurt years ago at his wedding. Stupid premise to begin with and it just got worse and worse.

Nicole Kidman did nothing to liven up this dreary mess.

Avoid this like the plague unless you are into sadomasochism.

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4 /10

A weaker Sandler movie

Warning: Spoilers

"Just Go with It" is a 5-year-old comedy that got featured (like most of Sandler's works) at the Razzie Awards as well as several awards shows for younger audiences. It is the American approach to an originally Indian film. The director is Dennis Dugan and I cannot say I am too familiar with him. Same goes for all the writers working on this one. Always a bit disappointing if there are so many and the outcome is still a letdown. Sandler may not be the most talented actor, but he does a decent job in picking roles and that's why the character here fits him nicely once again. Aniston also has more pros than cons. Sadly, I cannot say the same about Brooklyn Decker, who just is not a particularly gifted actress and at times it felt she was only in her to show us her great swimsuit body. At least the Andy Roddick cameo was funny at the end. And then there is Nicole Kidman, who seems stupid and unlikeable for all her early scenes and then somehow out of nowhere gets some depth and emotion added to her character. That was embarrassing. It was so obvious that they only included her final scene because it was Nicole Kidman playing the character. Cringeworthy stuff. I would feel sorry for her because of how low she has sunk, but then I remember she has won an Oscar and is a truly mediocre actress, always has been and I don't feel sorry for her anymore.

As so many other times in Sandler's films, the problem is clearly the script. Yes there are a couple good moments, but the whole story about who's getting together with whom is still very much uninspired and predictable. At least Decker's character did not fall for the weird crazy guy. That would have been too much for sure. A major problem with the story is that it is based on such a ridiculous beginning. A man carries a wedding ring around with him and talks about having a dozen kids (adopted). What is going on??? And how are we supposed to believe that this is really a turn-on for women. And why would Decker be constantly interested in spending time with her boyfriend's ex-wife. There is a lot in terms of the story here that doesn't make sense unfortunately. I think there are a few decent moments in terms of comedy and this actually could have been a solid film with less of the bad. But the writers clearly weren't gifted enough to make this a rewarding watch from start to finish. The maid also adds really nothing apart from failed attempts at getting laughs. The kids were so-so I guess, but these young artist nominations are certainly a bit too much. Overall, I do not recommend this movie. Not Sandler's fault though as he is (as usual) one of the better aspects taking everything into account.

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1 /10

Horrible premise horribly dished up

Warning: Spoilers

So a film about a plastic surgeon who makes fun of his patients, lies to girls to get them in bed and multiple "boobie" jokes- that's right it's an Adam Sandler movie. He plays the same girl chasing immature character in every movie, except with a different job and name. He even makes the same silly voices, e.g. when he says, "My Precious".

Are we supposed to find the premise of lying to girls to get into their pants funny? A kid putting on an English accent funny? Is a female assistant who has been hurt by at least one man - and willing herself to help this guy scam his way into a relationship with another female realistic or sympathetic? What is funny about this film exactly? The jokes about "boobies"? Him having a huge nose in the beginning? Are we supposed to buy that the female assistant falls in love with this scam artist because he has appealing characteristics such as scamming women to get in their pants?

Are we supposed to think it's romantic that he isn't made accountable for years of treating women like trash to use and throw away and then he finds "true love"? Sorry I'm not buying it Hollywood. I'm not submitting to being dumbed down and taught to accept mistreatment and manipulation by men.

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Source: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1564367/reviews

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